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Portable Hand Washing Station

portable hand wash station outdoorWhile hand sanitizers can be used for cleaning the hands, they are not very effective in removing dirt in some cases. Hence clean water is the best option for removing all the dirt and microbes from the hands. In many locations in Wilmington, Delaware there is no clean water supply available, yet people are working there for construction or attending an event organized at the place. Hence it is advisable to install one or more portable hand wash stations at the location for a supply of clean water. In most cases, the clean water supply is required only for a few hours, days, or months, so it is better to hire a hand-wash station in Wilmington


Though there are many models of hand-wash stations available, the basic hand-wash station is usually manufactured from plastic to reduce the weight and cost. It has a basin that allows the user to wash his hands and often the entire arm. The hand-wash station has a provision for accommodating a freshwater tank that is filled with clean water. The tank is usually removable and in some cases, there is a provision for adding chlorine to the water. Additionally, the hand-wash station also has a grey water tank in which the dirty water produced while washing hands will accumulate. Often a hose pipe is connected to this tank so that the water can be drained completely.

Most of the popular hand-wash stations are having a foot-operated pump for activating the faucet so that the user does not have to touch the faucet with his dirty hands. There is often a dispenser containing liquid soap, for better cleaning of dirty hands. Usually, paper towels or napkins are provided so that the user can wipe his or her hands after cleaning them. For easily transporting the hand-wash station, some models have handles. Additionally, the hand-wash station will usually have castor wheels, so it can be easily moved from one place to another whenever required.


Often at construction or renovation sites in Wilmington, there is no plumbing, yet the workers have to wash their hands often, especially before eating food. So most construction companies are hiring one or more hand-wash stations. Increasingly people in Wilmington are organizing events like weddings, parties, magic shows, musical performances, concerts, dramas, and comedy shows outdoors and the people attending the event may have to use the bathroom or toilet. So they require a hand-wash station for washing their hands. Additionally, food is usually served at these events, so the people have to wash their hands before and after eating the food. Additionally sporting events like marathons, and walking races people also have to wash their hands before eating.

Choosing a hand-wash station

Most hand-wash rental companies have a number of models available, so the event organizer should hire the right model to save money and avoid inconvenience to the people attending the event. The event organizer should consider the number of people attending the Wilmington event, if more people are attending, a hand-wash station with two basins or multiple hand-wash stations may be required.